How To Revamp Your SaaS Keyword Research W/ Superior Data

SaaS keyword research can be tedious, murky & expensive. This alarming approach will flip how you think about keyword research in SaaS.
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Jumpstart your SaaS keyword research with this disgustingly easy and productive way to discover new keywords. Whether you need the keywords for SEO or Google Ads.

The two most covered topics in SaaS marketing blogs must be running ‘low funnel’ (high intent) keywords and how to conduct keyword research.

Rarely are they ever combined into a single topic. Let alone for SaaS businesses specifically. 

For SaaS businesses looking to stir up some extra traffic, let some subtle Google algorithms take effect, and discover some hyper-valuable searches that they might not have thought of on their own, consider this blog post.

Not all broad terms are created equal, though. It’s important to note that when done improperly, broad keywords can get away from any SaaS advertiser pretty quickly. 

There are certain easy implementations of broad keywords that can help an advertiser keep their Broad keywords working for them rather than the other way around. 

Spoiler: Before you skip town, let’s break down the numbers

Just hold on there, partner. This is a long article, so first, read why it might be valuable to switch up how you think about SaaS keyword research.

This strategy can reduce costs, get you more accurate data and even bring in leads while researching!

SaaS Keyword Research Tools Costs

What are you considering paying for your keyword research tool? $100 per month? More?

Knowing that that data is incomplete and often guessed, even with the best tools like SEMrush or ahrefs, would you be interested in a better way?

With this strategy, you can set your budget at whatever you want, $30/month would be fine. At $100/month you could do a lot more.

You can set your click bids at $0.50 and your budget at $5.00/day. Up to you!

Better Data Collection

With keyword research tools, Google isn’t releasing all of its data. So their data consists of a lot of informed guesses.

These tools also tend to be worse with SaaS research (if you are in a niche market).

With this broad keyword research for SaaS approach, you run the specific keywords (running long tail keywords that embody your SEO pillars or Google Ads themes), and you have real search data come back to you through the search terms report.

Keyword Research With Actual SaaS Results

Once you pay for your keyword research tool for SaaS, then you have to implement those keywords.

The strategy detailed in this article will bring your ads in front of real searches. With the right targeting, you will be bringing in relevant clicks & conducting relevant keyword research.

Sorry for the interruption

Now that you know why this article was written. You should read on to learn the actual implementation of the strategy.

Every SaaS Business Should Be Using Broad Keywords For Research & Results

To further elaborate why SaaSs should be using Broad keyword campaigns to discover new keywords and attract relevant users, let’s discuss the other ways to get keyword Ideas. 

Finding keyword ideas before you spend any money is undoubtedly something that a SaaS company will need to do. 

At the end of the day, your best tools for starting out are your own brain, and google’s suggested searches in the search bar. 

Using google search suggestions for keyword ideas in saas markets

Here’s why.

Conventional keyword research tools are whack

Most keyword tools that you buy like SEMrush, ahrefs, Ubersuggest, SpyFu.. all of them. Are predominantly pulling data from Google’s API.

examples of keyword research tools for b2b and saas

This API is pulling the same information you would see in Google’s Keyword planner. 

And how much data does the Google Keyword Tool represent? It’s hard to say, most estimates put it at 30%. Which is perfectly fine for high-volume B2C companies.

But if you are a SaaS or B2B with much less volume it can be tricky. 

It turns out that Google is rounding up its volume numbers and estimating costs per clicks. There are so many variables involved in CPC that we don’t go by any estimates at SCB.

Chart for showing what average cpc means in google ads research

Tip: it’s better to determine your SaaS costs per click based on what you can afford and what your customer value may be

Maybe this cost calculator can help you gain perspective. Or this ROI calculator

Back to the point: if your SaaS is seeing volume below 500 for its low funnel, you will not find reliable data and you do not need reliable data. 

Keyword research is about understanding intents and generating keyword ideas from there.

You do not need to pay $100+ a month to get what you can get for free in Google’s keyword planner.

the keyword tools that cost 100 dollars a month take Google Ads free data

I will not deny that ahrefs and SEMRush do have some advantages. Especially when it comes to SEO.  

They both have extensive keyword tracking and backlink tools (they buy data from clickstream to enhance their Google data).

It’s just not necessary and shouldn’t be used for anything other than ideas in Google search ads. 

The Danger Of Broad Keywords In Google Ads For SaaS

First let’s talk about some common fears and mistakes that can occur with Broad match keywords in SaaS. 

Warning: broad keywords can waste your money very very quickly so make sure to read beyond this section to learn how to rein them in.

Wasting Your SaaS PPC Budget

Broad keywords can spend your money fast. 

Using a bidding strategy that is conversion-oriented before you have sufficient data will not bear any fruit.

Often, a conversion-oriented automated bid strategy, especially in niche SaaS, will charge high CPCs and leave you with less click and search term data to analyze afterward.

Check your broad keywords daily to ensure you aren’t vulnerable to crazy search volume and searches. 

Bad Search Terms

Targeting broad keywords with 1-3 words in them will have you showing up for terms that you have no business showing in front of. 

You have to give the system more context. Later this article covers the ‘right way.’

As an example, SCB was auditing an account recently that was targeting the keyword ‘commodity price forecasts’ in broad.

It turns out they were actually only showing up for terms like “steel company” and “LME” which are way off base. 

example of how bad the broad match targeting can be for SaaS businesses in google ads

That went unchecked for months. They spent thousands thinking they were collecting valuable data and ended up with that. 

How To Implement Broad Google Ads Keywords For SaaS

Now that you are aware of the worst case scenarios. Here is how to avoid them completely.

Better yet, here is how to succeed with Broad keywords for SaaS in Google Ads. 

The Right Kind Of Broad Keyword

Earlier we covered what can go wrong with bad Broad keywords.

A typical ‘bad broad keyword’ has only 1-3 words in it and does not give the system enough context.

Conversely, a good broad keyword has 3-5 words in it.

Yes, the 3 is mentioned in both.

As a rule of thumb, the more search volume that your industry has, the more words you need in your broad keywords.

scale of search volume for google ads keywords and how many words should be in broad match

In lower volume industries, 3 word broad can sometimes be enough.

It also matters what words are being used. If some of those words consist of terms like ‘if, a, of, the’ you need to support the system with more context. 

Containing Broad SaaS Keywords To One Campaign

Structurally, you should not put your broad keywords in the same ad groups as your exact and phrase match keywords. 

Keep your broad keywords simple. You only need one ad group, and one campaign.

The reason for splitting them off into their own campaign is so you can have ultimate control over their spending.

If placed in your low funnel campaigns, you run the risk of the new, broad keywords eating up your entire campaign budget, reducing click and conversion volume. 

Not to mention your ad quality score will likely drop.

Having broad KWs split also allows you to make responsive search ads that fit a broader target to accommodate your exploratory targeting. 

What Kind Of Broad Keywords Should Your SaaS Use

The best answer is to take your effective LF keywords and turn them into broad keywords.

If the effective low funnel keywords in your account are two to three words long, append a context word or two to it.

Adding context can be as easy as adding industry terms, words like “tool” or “service” or features/benefits.

types of words to append to google ads broad match keywords for saas

Which Bid Strategy Should You Use?

For your SaaS broad keyword campaigns, make sure that you are using either Max CPC or Max clicks. Preferably Max CPC.

Keeping a tight grip on your Broad keyword click costs will be key to getting the most out of these campaigns. 

Max clicks can be good for those of you who feel in over your head with. This strategy will aim to achieve the lowest CPC it can while still spending your whole daily budget.

However, if it turns out that one of your broad keywords has cheaper click and more volume than the others, you will likely only spend money on that keyword.

Low Max CPCs

If using the Maximum CPC bid strategy, set your Broad bids to a very low number.

Starting at $1 is not ridiculous. 

In B2B and SaaS, relevant clicks phrase match clicks can cost up to hundreds of dollars. However, you are going to aim much lower with your broad keywords. 

This is because you have less control over the searches you show for. 

The goal here is to collect data. So start ridiculously low and work up from there. 

Automated Strategies Broad Research Campaigns

Tempted to use other bid strategies? For this particular SaaS search ads strategy, I wouldn’t. 

These broad keywords can render fantastic ideas and bring in some really relevant traffic. 

Sometimes they will surprise you and bring in fantastic ROI. 

However, that is not the goal. Don’t get tricked into running a maximum conversion strategy here.

Especially in B2B and SaaS where Google hasn’t quite figured out those audiences.

list of bidding strategies and which ones to use for broad campaigns in saas

If your account has tons of monthly data and conversions coming in, then you might get away with one of the conversion-oriented strategies. Otherwise, avoid at all costs. 

How Much Should You Spend On A Broad Search Campaign?

For most cases, a broad, research-oriented, campaign should not severely alter your account ROI.

Keep the budget low, $10-$30/day should be enough. The more you spend the more quickly you will discover new keywords. 

Broad Keywords Aren’t Meant To Be Micromanaged

Last thing to keep in mind is that broad keywords can not really be micromanaged. 

Changing bids to maximize clicks and pausing and playing new keywords are the main adjustments you will be able to make. 

In terms of negative keywords, you should definitely keep an eye out for easy-to-avoid negative phrases and concepts. 

However, if your search terms are flooded with terrible searches, consider adding more context to those keywords or trying new ones. 

Picking Through Your Search Terms Report

Again, the goal of these efforts is to source keyword ideas that you may not have thought of otherwise.

While the keyword tools and search suggestions can be semi-good resources for this. You will be surprised as to what gems you’ll find in the Search Terms Report. 

The search terms report will only represent a fraction of the actual searches you showed up for but with the volume you get from broad, you should still see plenty of ideas. 

Earlier this article bashed the other platforms for being incomplete. The truth is, your search term data is also going to be incomplete. 

Finding Hidden Gem Search Terms – What To Do With Them

You’re not waiting for data to prove certain search terms as effective here. Likely, if your broad terms convert, you will never know which specific search occurred to make that happen. 

What you are going to do instead is painstakingly pick through your search terms for good ideas.

This can be the most tedious part of the whole process. 

Most likely you will see 1 gem for every 50-100 keywords. 

This includes looking at the search terms that only received one or two impressions.

My suggestion, especially at the start, is to look at the search terms report for 5-10 minutes every day

From that you can add negative keywords, pull out gems and you’ll know soon whether your broad keywords are written correctly.

You can use filters to hide or show any types of keywords to speed up the search. 

Key Takeaways For SaaS Advertisers

Broad keywords can be an excellent way to find new high-intent keyword ideas for SaaS businesses. 

They can be a slippery slope however. Formatting your Broad keyword correctly is the biggest determinant of your success. 

Stick to 4-5 word broad keywords with low funnel context words and you should be off to a great start. 

Again, this is for research purposes only, don’t expect direct ROI from these practices.

The ROI will come when you are able to pull new ideas and target those exact searches in your phrase and exact match campaigns. 

Thanks for reading!

70% of B2B SaaSs Give Up On PPC Due To Wasted Money
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70% of B2B SaaSs Give Up On PPC Due To Wasted Money
Templates, FAQ & more to increase your B2B SaaS’s chance for success and maximized ROI