Best Google Ads Cost Calculator: Quick Budget Estimator

The fastest Google Ads Cost calculator uses real B2B and SaaS averages to help you quickly project what your search ads campaign will cost overall and monthly.
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It’s impossible to perfectly calculate your Google Ads Costs before you run a campaign. But if you are trying to get a sense of what it would cost your SaaS or B2B to run google ads, this is the best tool for you.

All you have to know is how many conversions you want per month and you will be on your way!

About The Google Ads Cost Calculator

If you’re looking into launching a SaaS or B2B search ads campaign, you’re probably busy trying to figure out what it’s going to cost and what it’ll get you in Google Ads.

There are so many factors to consider along the way that affect what you are willing to spend. 

The idea behind this Google Ads Cost Calculator is to give you a good estimate to decide what budget you want.

Another way to think about what you want to spend on Google Ads is: “how much can you afford to spend and get no results?”

As dramatic as this sounds, unless you really know what you are doing, you can not rely on results in Google Ads. You likely will get results, great ones but you have to prepare for the worst. 

Luckily, a good Google Ads strategy won’t cost you much and is easier now more than ever.

This article will include both an overall cost calculator and a monthly cost tool.

Interested in knowing your current or projected ROI? Here is a Google Ads calculator for that as well.

Google Ads Cost Calculator

Without delay, here are the two tools we crafted here at SCB to help you estimate your Google Ads Costs.

Overall Cost Calculator

Enter your desired conversions for the span of the campaign and your rough CTR and Conversion rates to get an idea of what your campaign will get you.

Monthly Cost Calculator

This Google Ads cost calculator is a lot like the last one except it take time into account as a factor that will affect your conv. rate.

What Are These Estimates Based Off Of?

You’ll notice that both of these tools limit you in terms of what Conv. rates and CPCs you can use.

Search Click Boom has spent over $300,000 this year in B2B and SaaS spend. The overall average cost per click is around $6.50.

The high and low ends are based on a real spectrum of accounts that we manage.

The same goes for the Conv. Rates.

When each account is broken down to the first three, six & twelve months, their overall Google Ads spend range between 3% – 10% respectively.

Others have done Google Ads studies that put conversion rates in the same range.

It’s always good to be extra conservative in your proposals since every situation is different. 

How Accurate Are Google Ads Cost Projections?

Not at all! Whether you are using tools like SpyFu or judging based off of averages, you are not going to find consistent, accurate Google Ads data until you run it yourself.

Search Click Boom doesn’t even use exact numbers in proposals anymore due to the level of inaccuracy. 

Companies like SimilarWeb and SEMRush only have access to something like 30% of Google’s data and so they are merely making guesses as to traffic, competition, CPCs and all the other data available on their site.

Is It Worth Projecting Costs? What Should You Do Instead?

It won’t hurt you to have an idea, but at the end of your first month of running your ads, you will probably feel like it all caught you by surprise. 

You don’t have to panic though, no matter what cost and estimate tools any advertiser uses, they are in the same boat. 

If you want to learn more, go to our blog and pick the articles that fit your curiosity!

Thanks for reading. 

70% of B2B SaaSs Give Up On PPC Due To Wasted Money
Templates, FAQ & more to increase your B2B SaaS’s chance for success and maximized ROI
70% of B2B SaaSs Give Up On PPC Due To Wasted Money
Templates, FAQ & more to increase your B2B SaaS’s chance for success and maximized ROI